Pete North is Senior Lecturer in Geography at the University of Liverpool. He has a long standing research interest in alternative economies in the global north and south, with a particular interest in alternative currencies and what a socially inclusive, economically vibrant and co-operative low carbon future would look like. He is a founder member of Transition South Liverpool. Pete has spent time travelling in Latin America and studying its currencies. He has written widely on the subject of local money including most recently
Local Money: How to Make it Happen in Your Community (Green Books, 2010).

Molly Scott Cato is Professor of Strategy and Sustainability at the University of Roehampton. She is an expert in the social economy and director of the Responsible Capitalism research centre. She has a longstanding interest in Latin America since studying the politics of the region for her first degree. Ideas about common wealth feature strongly in her view of
Green Economics (Earthscan, 2009) and she is now developing the theory of a bioregional economy, closely embedded in place and where local resources are shared equally within self-reliant local economies.

Marcelo Lopes de Souza is a professor at the Department of Geography of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro in Rio de Janeiro. He pioneered the study of spatiality and social production of space from an 'autonomist' perspective. Marcelo Lopes de Souza has published nine books and more than 80 articles and book chapters covering spatial theory, popular participation in urban planning, social movements theory, urban ‘utopias’/alternative visions, urban problems, and the ‘spatiality of libertarian thought’.
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