The first of the two conferences will be held in Liverpool between 13th and 15th March 2012. The following Latin American experts in the social economy have confirmed their attendance:
Professor Marcelo Lopes de Souza, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (expert on urban social movements and informal economies in cities – co organiser)
Professor Jose Luis Coraggio, University of General Sarmiento, Buenos Aires, and co-ordinator of the Latin American Research Network on the solidarity economy
Professor Heloisa Primavera, University of Buenos Aires and co-ordinator of the Solidarity Barter Network in Argentina: engaged academic with grounded experience of a range of solidarity economy initiatitives in Latin America
Day One: 14th March 2012, Foresight Centre, University of Liverpool.
1 Brownlow St Liverpool L69 3GL
9.00 – 9.30 Arrival, registration, tea and coffee
9-30-10.00 Introduction and aims of the seminar: Peter North,
10.00-11.00 Jose Luis Coraggio, University of General Sarmiento, Argentina: The Solidarity Economy: Conceptual Overview
11.00-11.15 morning coffee
11.15-12.15 Heloisa Primavera, University of Buenos Aires: The Solidarity Economy: the view from Civil Society
12.15-1.15 Dario Azzellini (University of Linz) and Diana Raby (University of Liverpool). Lessons and experiences from Venezuela’s solidarity economy.
1.15-1.45 Lunch
1.45-2.15 Paul Chatterton (University of Leeds): Latin American influences on UK academic and activist practise
2.15-3.15 John Barry (Queen’s University Belfast): Political Economy of Climate Change.
3.15-3.30 Tea and Coffee
3.30-4.45 Adrian Smith (University of Sussex) and Andy Cumbers (University of Glasgow). Civil Society engagement in renewable energy.
4.45-5.30 Response: Panel of our Latin American Visitors, followed by discussion led by team
5.30pm Close
Day Two: 15th March 2012, Blackburne House, Liverpool.
Blackburne Place, Liverpool, Merseyside L8 7PE
9.00 – 9.15 Arrival, registration, tea and coffee
9-15-9.30 Welcome: Rosie Jolly, Socail Enterprise Network
Introduction and aims of day two: Molly Scott Cato (University of Roehampton)
9.30:9.50 Robbie Davison – Can Cook Films
A visual presentation of Merseyside social enterprises
9.50-10.20 Short presentations from social enterprises (2),
10.20-11.30 Andrew Simms, New Economic Foundation
The Big Society, the new mutualism: opportunities and threats in the UK
11.00-11.15 Response from our visitors
11.15-11.30 Tea and coffee
11.30-11.40 Cllr Patrick Hurley – Liverpool City Council
Co-operative councils
11.40-12.30 Colin Crooks – CEO Green Works UK practice overview
Response (5 mins) from our visitors
12.30-1.30 Lunch and networking
1.30-1.45 Introduction to the afternoon: Pete North, Molly Scott Cato
1.45-3.30 World Café Section- – tea and coffee available
3.30-4.00 Marcelo, Dario and Heloisa – response from Latin America: SEN response: (5-10 min each), what are the issues?
4.00-5.00 participatory process/discussion led by Pete, Molly and Marcelo: where are we going from here?
5.00pm Close
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